Spodní poloautomatická pila na hliník fom industrie panda 30
- [18.2. 2025]Zmazať/ Upraviť/ Topovať

Vhodná na zasklívaci lišty al okien a dveří atd
Pneumatic sawing machine with Ø 300 mm up-feed blade and manual positioning of vertical axis
Standard accessories:
Cutting area guard kit
ø 300 mm tungsten carbide saw blade
Horizontal vices
Vertical vices
Oilpneumatic saw stroke
Blade rotation + /- 45 °
300mm TCT saw blade
2hp saw motor
32mm saw spindle
2 x horizontal clamps
2 x vertical clamps
Spray mist blade lubrication
Enclosed safety hood
For cutting capacity see cutting diagram
Pneumatic sawing machine with Ø 300 mm up-feed blade and manual positioning of vertical axis
Standard accessories:
Cutting area guard kit
ø 300 mm tungsten carbide saw blade
Horizontal vices
Vertical vices
Oilpneumatic saw stroke
Blade rotation + /- 45 °
300mm TCT saw blade
2hp saw motor
32mm saw spindle
2 x horizontal clamps
2 x vertical clamps
Spray mist blade lubrication
Enclosed safety hood
For cutting capacity see cutting diagram
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